Finding scales on guitar fretboard
In Key bar choose key (tonality,root) and from vertical menu bar on the left choose scale you want to be displayed.
For formula explanations see Chord page
On the right there is a list of equivalent scales. Two scales are equivalent if both of them contain exactly the same notes.
The list above simply reveals that instead C Chinese you can use much more common F Major pentatonic or D minor pentatonic.
Tip: Click on a string to hide/reveal its notes
If you are interested in fingerstyle playing then skipping some strings can really open your eyes to some patterns on guitar fretboard. Look for example Image below. This is an E Major scale but showing only 1st and 2nd string and bass (low E) string. Try improvising using just notes you see here and almost everything you play will sound good!

once you know simple major scale you can easily magnify its power 8 folds knowing about modal theory (which basically means playing the same major scale in different musical contexts producing exotic sounds while playing familiar patterns)