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quick Memorizer

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quick Memorizer – memorize any text 2-4 times faster

Memorize faster by Practicing Recalling instead of Repeating

This is the most important idea behind of any type of text memorization. Just reading something you want to memorize fires different connections in your brain than the act of recalling. This is how you learn and memorize faster–by practicing recalling, not repeating. What this means is that simply reading a particular piece of text again and again is not going to be the shortest path to memorization. What you need is let your brain practice recalling the text and in doing so strengthen the same pathways that will fire when you need to remember the text later on. You can’t practice recalling until the information is at least partially contained in your long term memory. That means that you should read the text couple of times to get acquainted with it and then you can start using different tools that quickMemorizer provides. Not only it is fun but it also makes the process of committing the text into your long term memory much faster and deeper.

text memorization

text memorizer main screen

memorize text

text memorizer has many different modes

memorize text

hide some words and show others





Use it to:

  • Memorize: poems, scripts, monologues, speeches…

  • Memorize: song lyrics, jokes and one liners…

  • Study for exams
  • Practice foreign languages
  • Have fun


There are a number of ways that you can memorize text faster. One method is to break the text down into smaller chunks and memorize each chunk separately. Another method is to create a mnemonic device to help you remember the text. A mnemonic device is a tool that helps you associate the information you need to remember with something that is easier to remember. For example, you could create a mnemonic device to help you remember the order of the planets in the solar system by associating each planet with a letter of the alphabet. The first planet, Mercury, would be associated with the letter “M”, the second planet, Venus, with the letter “V”, and so on.

Another method for memorizing text faster is to read the text out loud. This allows you to hear the information as well as see it, which can help you to remember it better. You can also try reading the text backwards, from the end to the beginning. This can help you to focus on each word individually and make it easier to remember.

Finally, try to create a personal connection to the text you are trying to memorize. If you can relate the information to something in your own life, you will be more likely to remember it. For example, if you are trying to memorize a list of vocabulary words, try to think of a time when you have used each word in a sentence. This will help to cement the word in your memory.

There are various techniques that can be used to help you memorize text faster. One approach is to break the text down into manageable chunks and then recite it several times. Another approach is to create a memory palace, which is a mental map of a familiar place that you can use to store information. You can also try using mnemonic devices, such as creating acrostics or rhymes, to help you remember the text.

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